(Y)our #FuturePerspective

Nick van der Hoeven, November 21, 2017

WOW! The only word that can describe the feeling that global shapers currently brings to my mind. It has been a couple of weeks since the program has finished and still the feeling of energy is overwhelming. From the start of the virtual phase to the last day of the face to face event, I couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable experience. The program has been inspiring on so many levels. Why?

1. There are 99 people from all over the world, all from different cultures and with different backgrounds. Connecting with all of my fellow global shapers & workflow coaches and hearing about their stories is something that really made me reflect and broaden my view on a lot of things. From simple aspects such as the way we communicate, to the more complex issues that are faced by board members.

2. The program has really helped me to discover myself as a professional. Being a young professional it can be hard to identify what your talent is and what interests you have. In that view, joining the #FuturePerspective group couldn’t have been a better choice for me. Within this group, we were challenged to define a strategy to fully embed sustainability in our projects by 2025. Working on strategy is something that I have always found interesting. However, throughout the program I found myself more and more in the position of managing the process of the workflow: taking initiative, working on the team process and making sure we achieve the goal in a way we feel confident about. Talking about the process and learning from all the other people contributing to the workflow provided  me with one of the biggest lessons of all; insight in how I want to develop and shape my #FuturePerspective.

3. Looking at the results of the different workflows really shows me that there are a lot of people with great ideas within Arcadis. By means of the Ripple-effect this generation of Global Shapers will further spread and develop the ideas that we have identified throughout the program, keeping the momentum going to shape the future. However, being an Arcadian, shaping the future is something we are all capable  of. All in our different ways and by means of our different talents. It is all about taking initiative and sharing your ideas.

So let me ask you this: what are you going to do to shape (y)our future?

  • – Nick van der Hoeven (Global Shapers, 2017)



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