Are you interested in being a part of this digital revolution?
When this year’s generation of Global Shapers met, they focused on #sustainability4impact, finding digital solutions to improve quality of life. The Global Shapers were divided into four different workflows related to strategic priorities of Arcadis. The #ForwardDigital workflow the Shapers worked on sit perfectly into the key strategic pillar of Arcadis: ‘Innovation & Growth’.
*Source: Our strategy, actions and results – Arcadis Capital Markets Day
Global Shaper Yashika Agarwalla (Arcadis North America) about the #ForwardDigital workflow:
My journey from India to United States has helped me understand how digital is transforming both countries despite their diametrically opposite cultures. This exposure has helped me realize how digital solutions is not just for the affluent, it transcends beyond economic status. So far, our industry has been heavily invested in technical consulting. But, moving ahead the future lies in being at the forefront of digital technologies.
Since the Global Shapers 2017 kicked-off, team #ForwardDigital is tremendously proud to present the future of digital. Under the aegis of Julien Cayet and Nienke Groen, the team focused on demonstrating Arcadis’ digital expertise by creating – JAMDots Beta, Interactive Customer Experience of a Smart Building and 3D Building Model using Augmented Reality. These deliverables encompassed the four main realms of digital revolution – data, platforms, ecosystems, and customer experience.
Deliverables of the #ForwardDigital workflow:
- JAMDots Beta (for now only accessible for Arcadians) is an evolving showcase of the smart, innovative digital solutions Arcadis has been implementing for clients globally. We have also started collecting information of other exemplary projects, which would soon be added to our JAMDots page.
- The team showcased an interactive customer storyboard experience for a Smart Building which utilizes Internet of Things.
- Lastly, this team enraptured the audience by building a 3D model of a high-rise building and allowed the audience to experience progress in construction with augmented reality technology. You can experience it yourself. Get the free app in the App stores now!
The bigger challenge
The bigger challenge for our team now lies in creating a strong and self-sustaining ripple effect within Arcadis and beyond. Our team members are enthusiastically presenting our work to individual local offices to encourage a digital culture. We are challenging each #ForwardDigital team member to find one project and apply any fitting digital solution to it. If you’re interested in being a part of this digital revolution, you can reach out to us in person or follow us on social media.