BLOG – A great networking opportunity in The Netherlands

Quest is an international transfer program which connects Arcadians from all over the world. The Quest program is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation. Every week we are highlighting one of the stories of our employees who went on an exchange. In this blogpost we cover the Quest story of Mel Butcher who traveled from Tampa, USA to Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Why did I apply for a Quest

I saw the Quest program as a great opportunity to see how counterparts in other parts of the world offered and executed services similar to what I do stateside – Water for Industry. It was fascinating to learn about our clients’ different drivers in countries like the Netherlands.

“Quest is a unique Arcadis networking opportunity!”

Highlight of my Quest experience

I had the opportunity to spend a day in the Corporate Headquarters, Amsterdam, where I met senior leaders such as Lia Belilos, Joost Slooten, and Stephanie Hottenhuis. They were each gracious hosts, and took the time to share their unique perspectives on the future of Arcadis.

My Quest in one word


Learnings and experiences

There are great resources globally that can provide unique expertise and perspectives on pursuits or projects. I’m so grateful Quest afforded me the opportunity to make these connections. When you go on a Quest, I recommend enlisting the assistance of an admin local to the office you will be visiting. They are invaluable for scheduling with local folks in their time zone. Special thanks to Judith in Amersfoort for assisting on this front. I wouldn’t have been able to meet half as many people without her!



The international transfer program Quest, which connects Arcadians from all over the world, is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation.

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