Who do I contact if I have questions or need assistance?

To ensure you recieve the right information as quickly as possible, all questions regarding Global Share Plan should be approached in the following order:

1. Contact Global Shares through the ‘’Contact Us’’ page on their website, https://arcadis.globalsharesequity.co.uk/. The Global Shares helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for e.g. technical support, assistance on orders and available documentation and tax reports.

  • English (IRE): +353 768 888 002
  • English (UK): +44 330 808 1845
  • English (US): +1 646 968 0653

2.  If you still have outstanding questions following your interaction with Global Shares, please contact your local HR department.

3. Outstanding questions can be directed to info@lovinklaan.com

NOTE: Global Shares uses Jira and Atlassian (ira@globalshares.atlassian.net) for their Service Desk. If you have raised a question with Global Shares, recently requested your password or username, sold or transferred any shares or undertaken any other action for which Global Shares might contact you, then you may assume this e-mail to be legit.

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