BLOG – Jelle and German colleagues checked possibilities to create a European data management system

Quest is an international transfer program which connects Arcadians from all over the world. Quest is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation. Every week we are highlighting one of the stories our employees who went on an exchange. In this blogpost we cover the Quest story of Jelle Staverman who traveled from ‘s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands to Freiburg, Germany.

Why did I apply for a Quest

I applied to go on a Quest to learn about data management software for soil and environment research in Germany (GeODin) and to see if a collaboration is possible between the systems used in the Netherlands (TerraIndex) and Germany to create a system that can be used Europe wide, through this integration we can automate and manage work process from data acquisition to create output efficiently for small and large projects.

Highlight of my quest experience

The highlight of my Quest experience was being introduced to working with the GeODin, a software tool for the collection, interpretation and presentation of geo-information, by the teams in Freiburg (Germany). GeODin is a great software tool to manage data and has powerful functionalities for generating output like maps, graphs, cross sections. Combining this with the field and laboratory program TerraIndex will result in an automated chain from field data to end products.

My Quest in one word

“I would describe my Quest as an instructive learning experience.”

Learnings and experiences

It was great to work with people from other countries. It gave different insights and practices which resulted in being a driving force behind developing better tools. I would therefore like to thank Frank Dünkel and Anja Michalski for making this a great experience.

Lastly, some advice for those going or contemplating going on a Quest mission: besides the project you are doing, don’t forget to enjoy the culture of the city and country you are visiting as well!

“It was great to do project work with people from other countries, but besides your work don’t forget to enjoy the culture of the city and country you are visiting as well.”

The international transfer program Quest, which connects Arcadians from all over the world, is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation.

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