Release Shelter Urban Thinkers Challenge book

The Shelter Urban Thinkers Challenge’ book is ready!

This book shows the outcome of a global Urban Thinkers challenge, which the Lovinklaan program Shelter held to celebrate Urban October. Arcadians from all over the world had the chance to share their innovative ideas to improve quality of life in our future cities. How will the next generation live and get around?

The book includes many innovative ideas, including agriculture towers, creative reuse of buildings, floating cities, solar pavements and vertical living. Moreover it gives a background on the importance to create resilient, mobile, and regenerative future cities.

Bert Smolders, Shelter program manager, said: “The outcome of the Urban Thinkers Challenge was impressive, it was great to see the vast amount of innovative ideas that came up in 24 hours. Our aim with this book, as partner of UN-Habitat, is to support the debate for the Habitat III conference in Quito in October 2016 and to increase awareness about the importance of sustainable cities.”

We invite you to read and view the book or visit this page for more information.

For a video impression of the challenge on October 28 2015, click here.

Shelter Urban Thinkers Challenge

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