Board Meeting Wrap-Up | September 2023

Board’s Visit to the Hong Kong Office 

Besides the special opportunity to connect with our fellow Arcadians, the highlight of the visit was the Townhall event. It brought together a sizeable and enthusiastic audience, sparking lively discussions that were nothing short of inspiring. Our Board Members shared insights about Lovinklaan, ensuring that all Arcadians, including those new to the Hong Kong office, left with a deep understanding of the Foundation’s mission and programs. The event also generated numerous questions about the mechanics behind our various programs, especially for Quest and Shelter. 

“Seeing the enthusiasm and curiosity of our Hong Kong colleagues was incredibly motivating. They are eager to take part in their next journey through the Lovinklaan programs,” observed Maricel. 

This visit provided Maricel, Marc, and Marco with an opportunity to connect with the Arcadians. The personal interactions provided them with invaluable insights into the unique perspectives of Arcadians when it comes to Lovinklaan’s initiatives. The visit reaffirmed our commitment to ensure inclusivity within the programs and optimize their impact for all Arcadians. 

Zakiya’s Staff Presentation in Puerto Rico 

On the other side of the world, Zakiya, who serves as the Secretary of the Lovinklaan Foundation, headed to Puerto Rico.  What made Zakiya’s visit particularly special was the fact that the last Lovinklaan visit to Arcadis Caribe had taken place during a planning meeting back in 2018. She mentioned, “The Area Manager expressed sincere appreciation for the timely visit, as it provided a great reason for Arcadians to come together and reconnect.”  

Zakiya, along with Board Member Giuliana Netto virtually, delivered a staff presentation at the office, delving into the core mission of Lovinklaan and providing insights into our various programs. Notably, there was special interest in the programs like Shelter and Quest, mirroring the interest observed in the Hong Kong office. The presentation was highlighted with Quest Program Manager, Heather Kruschel, providing details about the year’s relaunch. Additionally, the teams were also curious to learn about the process for becoming a Board Member. 

We are eager to put into action the insights and learnings we have gained during these important visits. Stay tuned for our latest updates by following our LinkedIn page! 

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