Welcome, new Lovinklaan board members Marco and Giuliana!

A very warm welcome to our two newly appointed Lovinklaan board members: Giuliana Netto and Marco Foo Kai Meng!

Giuliana Netto is Project Coordinator at the Arcadis Sao Paulo office in Brazil and has been with the business for over eight years. Within her role, she focuses on sustainability, strategic environmental consulting and is an IFC Performance Standards Social Specialist. She has been lucky enough to experience the impact of Lovinklaan programs personally, by being part of Global Shapers 2012 and by going on a Quest exchange to the Netherlands in 2017.


Marco Foo Kai Meng (胡凯铭) has been serving Arcadis for almost ten years and currently holds the position of Executive Director at Arcadis Consultancy in Chengdu, China. He possesses working experience in various Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Macau and has even worked in the cost management sector in London, UK.

Marco and Giuliana will further introduce themselves in our next update. Both members, who balance their daily workload with their involvement in Lovinklaan and its programs, have been appointed per July 1st, 2019 for a term of three years, and are eligible for a second term.

The new board members will succeed the board members Man On Lai (Hong Kong, Asia) and Cintia Philippi Salles (Sao Paulo, Latin America), who completed their second term in the board as of June 2019.

A big thank you to Man On and Cintia for having served as wonderful board members for the past six years. We highly appreciate their dedication and passion for Lovinklaan and are very grateful for the contributions they have both made to the board, including all that Cintia has done for Quest, and Man On for the Global Share Plan. Their input has been invaluable.

Cintia Philippi Salles: ‘’As I am now completing my term as a board member, I would like to express my gratitude for having been given this amazing opportunity. Being a board member has given me the chance to build the Quest program even further. It’s great to see that the program has become so successful and that it allowed so many people to travel across the globe and visit other Arcadis offices and meet with colleagues from different countries. I’d encourage every Arcadian to not only participate in Quest, but also in other Lovinklaan programs, as they are a true enhancement to your professional life. Thank you to all board members and fellow Arcadians, you have made my time as a board member invaluable.’’

Man On Lai: ‘’I would like to say that I’ve had a wonderful and fruitful time on the board of Lovinklaan. Representing the largest shareholder in Arcadis has provided me with many insights into this global business, and I am proud of the contributions and opportunities that we have been able to provide the business in return. Lovinklaan is an exceptional foundation that is unique to our company, which we should cherish. I encourage each Arcadian to participate in one of the programs, as they really provide the chance to grow both professionally and personally. Thank you all for making my time as a board member unforgettable. All the best to our successors.’’

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