GSP rolled out in Australia!


As the largest shareholder of Arcadis, Lovinklaan Foundation considers shareholdership of Arcadians important and therefore offers staff the opportunity to buy Arcadis shares at an attractive discount through the Global Share Plan (GSP). As our geographical regions broaden, so does the GSP.

Australian Arcadians can now benefit from the opportunity to enroll in the Global Share Plan. From March 14 – 17th, board member Tim Preger and GSP program manager Andries Dekker held as many as eleven roadshows in offices in Sydney, Brisbane South, Brisbane City and Melbourne. For the first time, a phased approach had been applied: in separate roadshows Tim and Andries informed the Arcadians about either (1) the inspiring knowledge exchange and innovation programs Lovinklaan offers, and / or (2) immersed grades 1 – 5 in the benefits of obtaining a share in the growth, development, profitability and financial success of Arcadis via the GSP.

Arcadians from the Gold Coast and Perth were able to join the roadshows via Skype. As a result, a total of one third of all Australian Arcadians grabbed the opportunity to get informed. The roadshow room in Sydney even had to be moved to a bigger room across the street, because the amount of people joining the roadshow did not fit in the booked room. Was it true interest, or due to the lunch Lovinklaan offered? Enthusiastic reactions suggest the former…

Interested to know if the Global Share Plan is available in your market? Check out all the GSP information on this website or speak to your local HR department.


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