GSP Participants – Update on automatic share purchase

We are bringing the Global Share Plan to a close. As a Global Share Plan participant, a monthly (US: bi-weekly) GSP contribution is deducted from your salary with which new shares are purchased automatically. As the program is coming to an end, December 2020 will be the last month in which a deduction from your salary for GSP will take place. The automatic purchase of shares will be discontinued from January 2021.

At this moment there is no direct action needed. New shares become actionable after 12 months, meaning you are able to sell or transfer them. From January 2022, all shares will become actionable and you will have to undertake action by selling your shares or transferring them to your own brokerage account.

We fully understand that you may have some questions relating to the changes and options outlined above. We’re happy to address any concerns or questions you may have. Please reach out to if there are still unclarities.

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