Global Shapers: Generation 2015 – Always be ready

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-29 om 14.23.19‘You have been selected for Global Shaper 2015!’

When I opened my email, I could hardly believe that I was selected as one of the Global Shapers 2015, among hundreds of excellent applicants. It was incredibly exciting news which was also the best birthday gift to me!

Before the application phase started, we had invited two global shapers from 2014 to share with us their learning & experience through their ARCADIS journey. They explained what their challenges were and showed us how they created an innovative generation tool. It was an awesome programme to gather all passionate people together to brainstorm, to share and to contribute to our company. I was fully attracted and inspired and truly keen to become one of them.

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-29 om 14.24.17During the application period, I was trying to use various kinds of social media which were unfamiliar to me like Twitter, Yammer, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook to find and communicate with previous Global Shaper generations and people who were also applying for Global Shapers: Generation 2015. We shared our information and stories and I was always amazed at their brilliant ideas. This was one of the most impressive parts of my application, which helped me to meet and learn from different people with diverse expertise and cultures.

The most challenging thing of the Global Shapers application was to create a video or poster to show our ARCADIS passion and I kept thinking about how to convey my ideas through a 1-min application video. I had interviewed and discussed with a number of my friends and colleagues by sending out a few questionnaires to hear their different voices and suggestions. Finally, I successfully submitted it on time and was anxious to wait for the result. From this stage, I realized the significance of effective communication and innovative thinking, which were also the essence to achieving our ARCADIS passion.

After getting the results, we had a kick-off meeting to know more details about the programme. The face-to-face meeting is going to be held in the Netherlands and before that, we were divided into different groups and assigned several tasks associated with our new challenge during the virtual phase. We had our first team meeting to introduce each other and we shared our applications through Yammer to know and learn from each other. We could deeply feel how excited we were and I firmly believe that everyone is ready to go.

Thanks to Global Shapers to provide me with such excellent opportunity to build great connections and recognize myself to make contributions to our ARCADIS! Let’s keep proactive as I am ready to meet all the challenges, as we are not alone!

Dan CHEN, ARCADIS – EC Harris HK, Generation 2015

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