BLOG – Subhash’s practical and most of all valuable experiences in London

Quest is an international transfer program which connects Arcadians from all over the world. Quest is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation. Every week we are highlighting one of the stories our employees who went on an exchange. In this blogpost we cover the Quest story of Subhash Bhatt who traveled from Bangalore (India) to London (UK).

Why did I apply for a Quest

CDM is a very new department in GEC India (not even a year old) supporting the UK office and CDM2015 regulation, which is only followed by the UK. We have been supporting the UK team on all CDM2015 related work and never had practical experience of it’s application on a construction site, so I was very keen to know how everything is applied and managed on site in the UK, for what we create here in GEC India.

“Breaking the boundaries”

Highlight of my quest experience

The main highlights of my trip were the site visits and the opportunity to meet my colleagues in London, with whom I have only spoken over the phone. I also visited other offices (Leeds and Bristol) and interacted with a few other colleagues who were not even aware of the GEC model and specifically CDM & EHS support. They were quite happy that they could pass on some work to GEC in the future as they tend to get overloaded with work most of the time. Besides that I felt very fortunate to be there at right time, as I had the possibility of attending one of our global mandate client’s  full day onboard training, which is definitely a great advantage to understand the client’s expectations and enhance the quality of work.

My Quest in one word

The best way to describe my quest in one word is “Valuable“.

Learnings and experiences

This visit was a great and memorable experience for me. As I have interacted with many colleagues in UK, I got an understanding of their work culture and the way they handle their clients, contractors and the regular project operations.

I would say, it is definitely a great opportunity created for us by Lovinklaan Foundation. This is one of the Arcadis’ great platforms for learning, knowledge sharing and collecting some good memories.

The international transfer program Quest, which connects Arcadians from all over the world, is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation.

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