BLOG – George Humphrey looks on his Quest as a great opportunity to explore all what Arcadis has to offer

Quest is an international transfer program which connects Arcadians from all over the world. Quest is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation. Every week we are highlighting one of the stories our employees who went on an exchange. In this blogpost we cover the Quest story of George Humphrey who traveled from London to Hong Kong who looked into the differences between the retail and Commercial Real Estate (CRE) markets in the UK and China.

“Hi, my name is George Humphrey and I recently went on a Quest exchange from London to Hong Kong – let me share a bit about my experiences in this blogpost”

Why did I apply for a Quest

This was singlehandedly the most interesting and eye opening opportunity you can do with Arcadis!”

“Hong Kong is central to the Asia construction market and we share many common global clients in the UK. I therefore thought it would be interesting to experience the market myself and decided to explore the similarities and differences between the UK and HK Retail and CRE markets to see if there are shared lessons learnt with clients, or additional models the UK can use to expand.”

Highlight of my quest experience


“I certainly consider looking at the differences between how projects  are run and the challenges our colleagues have to overcome as the highlight of my Quest experience. I was also able to share some knowledge with the Hong Kong team that is now being progressed to see if it can be used to support their clients. The Quest program was a solid proof point to show how we can continuously learn from each other. Last but not least, meeting the amazing HK team definitely made the trip all the more better!”

My Quest in one word




Learnings and experiences

“I truly believe we need to share knowledge with our colleagues all over the world. There are great initiatives being developed for clients needs that are often the same. Therefore, we will all benefit greatly from exchanging our experiences and knowledge. All in all, the Quest program is a great opportunity to explore all what Arcadis has to offer to both it’s clients and it’s employees. Plus, it is great fun!’

The international transfer program Quest, which connects Arcadians from all over the world, is sponsored by the Lovinklaan Foundation.

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