Expedition DNA: Almost 1000 Arcadians showed interest in Base Camp

Since the launch of the newest Lovinklaan funded employee program, Expedition DNA, two days ago, and more than 950 participants have already accessed the virtual online learning platform Base Camp and numbers continue to grow.

Watch the video below to learn what Lovinklaan board members Todd Bechtel and Holly Herner have to say about the program aimed at accelerating the digital transformation in Arcadis.

Expedition DNA

Expedition DNA is a Lovinklaan Foundation initiative designed to provide all Arcadians with an opportunity to access the knowledge and develop the skills to become more innovative and digitally-enabled. Expedition DNA creates a digital innovative mindset to help accelerate Arcadis’ digital transformation.

For any further questions, please visit our the FAQ page on our internal intranet site, or send an email to the team DNA@arcadis.com.

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