Important info to GSP participants: self-certification

Current and new Global Share Plan participants will be asked to complete a self-certification form in EquatePlus.

Since 1 January 2017, Equatex AG Switzerland is legally obliged by the tax authorities to conduct certain due diligence checks. These checks aim to determine whether a potential tax residency exists in other jurisdictions, with which the tax authorities of your employer’s country have bilateral agreements relating to the automatic exchange of information in tax matters.

Therefore, in order to properly assess your tax residency, we kindly ask GSP participants to complete a self-certification form in EquatePlus. This is required from participants either because he/she is a new participant in EquatePlus or because in the course of the due diligence checks, the system found information showing that a participant could be considered tax resident in such jurisdictions (meaning that a participants does not live in Switzerland).


  • New GSP participants: Plan participants with first time allocations on or after 1 of January 2017 will be blocked and must complete the self certification during the first time login procedure in EquatePlus, before they can access their plan portfolio.
  • Current GSP participants: EquatePlus access will not be restricted or blocked for plan participants with active plans allocated before 1 January 2017. If a self certification is required but not completed by the participant, the reporting will be done based on the search indicia results at the beginning of 2018.
  • The self certification can be completed via Equateplus, EquateMobile or via the Contact Centre.
  • The information provided via the self certification can be updated or changed at any point in time.

Should you require further guidance or clarification on the above, please go to or contact the EquatePlus Contact Center.

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