Global Shapers Generation 2016!

The Arcadis Global Shapers face-to-face program of 2016 took place in Qatar last October. 100 Arcadians and Ashghal employees from all over the world met each other in Qatar to collaborate on three different tools aiming to strengthen client focus:

  • The Client Passport – This tool sustains organic growth and enhances profitability by ensuring a consistent client approach and connecting Arcadis to its clients. Global Shapers created an engaging client video and a differentiation statement.
  • Horizons Mentor Program – This tool is meant to strengthen engagement and collaboration. Arcadis and Ashghal worked together on developing a Mentor Program that supports different generations to connect and learn from each other. This resulted in an e-magazine.
  • Social Media Success Stories – This tool’s most important goal is to share Arcadis’ and Ashghal’s success stories.

The group eventually presented its findings to the President of Ashghal and the Executive Board of Arcadis, who were very pleased with the tools.gs2016

Remarkably, the Global Shapers program did not have a formal day-to-day agenda. Everyone was able to choose what they wanted to work on, to improve engagement and responsibility. There was also time to meet members of the Executive Board of Arcadis. Besides working, of course some fun-time took place. The group enjoyed an evening Dhow tour including dinner, a desert safari and sports.

Working together on these three tools really caused strong bounds between the Global Shapers. Wesley Caddick: ‘We spent our final evening together and gathered for the final closing the next morning. 107 of us who were once strangers, now stood there as friends. I met some incredible people along the way, and will keep some of these friendships forever.’

Salman Waqar also considered himself lucky to be there: ‘I never thought that Global Shapers would be a life changing experience but indeed it was. Arguably the best week of my life and I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to represent Middle East at a global event.’ To read more stories about Global Shapers 2016, check this website.

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