Global Shapers: a daily challenge
The ARCADIS Global Shapers Program is difficult to predict. You do not know exactly what to do to be there. You do not know where it will be, and what you have to do when you get there. Explain the program to your grandmother is a bit difficult as well. However, you want to participate because you know it will be good. After all, what exactly is the ARCADIS Global Shapers program?
When the application challenge requested me to send a message as a CEO from the future, my first question was about the way to do it: how to send a message from 2030? Hologram (Hi Richard!)? Telepathy? Email? Email… Yes, email! If you think, Internet is in our daily lives for about 15 or 20 years. What was the first way to communicate through it? Email. Throughout these years, we have had ICQ, Messenger, Myspace, Facebook, Whatsapp… But email remains there (and honestly I cannot see my job without it).
Ok, I already have a way, now comes the hard part: what to say? That was the hardest but the best part, because imagining the future is always fun. Will drones deliver my pizza? Will I watch the World Cup straight from Mars? Will I finally enroll in that Yoga class? More important than all this, will we live in a more sustainable, peaceful, and fair world? How will our lives be, what new challenges will we face?
I think it was at that time, making these reflections that I began to understand what is this program.
Here I need to ask previous excuses for not being able to answer that exactly (sorry grandma), because you can only understand it, if you effectively participate. But being in the program, even if still in the virtual phase and waiting for the face-to-face meeting, I can say “challenge” is for me the word that best sums up what it is. Global Shapers challenges you even before it begins: prepare a compelling application; Find time in your calendar.
Find a way to talk to people from Asia, America, Europe, Australia and the Middle East (at the same time!); Solve online challenges; write a blog about the program!
None of this is achieved without effort and hard work, so if I can give some advice for the next generations of Global Shapers I would say: give the best of you, listen to what your colleagues have to say, believe in yourself, take the opportunity to learn from others. Be a part of it. I can’t imagine what next challenges ARCADIS Global Shapers reserves me, but I am sure the outcome of this whole process will be great. A wonderful life experience, a constructive challenge. If you think, what is life but a wondrous challenge isn’t it?
André Trafca, ARCADIS logos Brazil, Generation 2015.