Lovinklaan Board welcomes Holly Herner (USA) and Todd Bechtel (USA)
The Lovinklaan Board represents Arcadis employees from all business lines and geographic regions around the globe. The Board members, who balance their daily workload with their involvement in Lovinklaan and its programs, are appointed for a term of three years – and are eligible for a 2nd term.
At the end of 2015, Janet Peters and Sid Glenn ended their second term on the Board. Because both Sid and Janet are from the US, two new Board members were sought in that region through a nomination and interview process. Lovinklaan Foundation is pleased to introduce its two new Board members: Holly Herner and Todd Bechtel.
Holly Herner
Holly Herner is an engineer with more than 20 years’ environmental consulting and industry experience, with a focus on air quality. She joined Arcadis in 2007 and has held various leadership roles within the company. In her current role, Holly leads the environmental operations for Arcadis of Michigan LLC, which includes the management of environmental professionals specializing in remediation solutions, environmental business consulting and compliance, and sediments. Holly enjoys supervising, mentoring, and coaching colleagues to assist in career growth and opportunity. Her management role is complimented with client management and technical advisory responsibilities.
Holly’s technical focus includes air quality permitting, environmental regulatory compliance, regulatory applicability determinations, environmental compliance auditing, air quality modeling, and emissions management and she has experience in multiple industry sectors such as oil & gas, glass manufacturing, aggregates, pulp and paper, agriculture, food, and pharmaceuticals. „I am pleased to join the Lovinklaan Board and I feel that the position aligns well with my personal dedication to Arcadis, Arcadis staff, and my interest in the global environment. I fully recognise the momentum and progress made by current and former Board members and intend to continue the positive expansion and growth of the Lovinklaan programs”, says Holly.
Todd Bechtel
Todd Bechtel has been with Arcadis since 2002 and has held many leadership positions in various business and service lines in the US and UK, all focused on ensuring our clients realise the best outcomes for their programs and projects. He has also been an account manager for several large US based companies and understands the challenges our clients face on a daily basis.
Todd was named the leader of Arcadis’ North America Industrial Water group in late 2014. His experience is unique in that he has an understanding of both the Environment and Industrial Water sectors and the client needs associated with each. Todd utilizes his ability to connect clients with the right solutions which has helped grow the Industrial Water business in North America. Todd was previously the President and Managing Director of Arcadis’ UK Environment and Risk Management Business. In this role, he was also part of a team that was responsible for the successful integration and change leadership of the EC Harris and Arcadis UK businesses.
“Over the last 5 to 7 years, Lovinklaan Foundation has made great strides in developing and formalising various employee-focused programs. Being an avid proponent for our people, I would like to ensure – together with the fellow Board members – that the current programs continue to generate the excitement and involvement from our staff, while the overall company reaps the benefit of this engagement”, says Todd.