Shelter program is active in The Urban Thinkers Campuses all over the world

The Shelter program, that consists of a partnership between Arcadis and UN-Habitat with financial support of the Lovinklaan foundation, has several components. Well-known are the missions, where our experts provide technical support on request of UN-Habitat. To involve more Arcadis colleagues in the program and to extend our support to UN-Habitat the Shelter program is also engaged in several other activities, such as in urban workshops and in Urban Thinkers Campuses all over the world. In this article we will explain what our contribution to the Urban Thinkers Campuses entail.

The Urban Thinkers Campuses as urban innovation platform

The Urban Thinkers Campuses are an initiative of the World Urban Campaign – an advocacy and partnership platform – which is organized by UN-Habitat and sponsored by Arcadis as part of the Shelter program. The Urban Thinkers Campuses are two or three day meetings where urban stakeholders gather to discuss problems and solutions for better cities and urban innovation. The Campuses are often organized in cooperation with Universities.

In 2015 and 2016 22 Urban Thinkers Campuses were held to support the development of the New Urban Agenda. In October 2016 the New Urban Agenda was adopted in Quito by the UN Member States as basis for the urban development in the next two decades. In 2017 a new series of 77 Urban Thinkers Campuses will be organized worldwide, with a focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

Arcadis colleagues participating in the Urban Thinkers Campuses

Urban Thinkers Campuses are a very interesting opportunity for Arcadis staff. It is a place to learn, to engage, but also to present our experience and involvement in urban issues. Moreover, by participating we support UN-Habitat providing expertise in addition to our mission work. Since the start of Campuses Arcadis colleagues have participated in many gatherings, including: Caserta Italy, Hong Kong, New Delhi and Manila. In 2017 we will engage in even more Campuses. So far we have been able to attend and deliver input for Urban Thinkers Campuses in Palermo (Italy), Nairobi (Kenya), Hong Kong, Rome (Italy) and in Delft (Netherlands). And much more Campuses will follow throughout the year. Prior to the Urban Thinkers Campus takes place we contact the organizing committee and ask them what kind of expertise they are looking for. As Arcadis has offices all around the world we try to find staff at local offices to participate by contacting our office in that country, or reach out to Arcadis colleagues from that country in our Shelter database. Sometimes, when a specific expertise is requested we reach out to colleagues from other countries.

More information

Information on the Shelter program can be found on the Facebook page of the Arcadis Shelter Program, and you can find a complete overview of the Urban Thinkers Campuses on website of the World Urban Campaign. For more information about participating in Urban Thinkers Campuses and the Shelter program, please contact

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