We would like to inform current GSP participants on important modifications regarding the Global Share Plan participation.

From 2017 on, it will be possible to enroll, change and discontinue your GSP participation four times a year, during so called open periods. You will be able to change your deductions or discontinue your GSP participation via EquatePlus. Enclosed you will find detailed information.

Open Periods
The GSP will include four open periods during which you can enroll, change, or withdraw your participation. Previously, you could only change or discontinue twice a year. These four annually recurring periods for 2017 will be:

  • from 1 March up to and including 23 March;
  • from 1 June up to and including 23 June;
  • from 1 September up to and including 23 September;
  • from 1 December up to and including 23 December.

These open periods are outside any of Arcadis NV’s closed periods in where ‘general insiders’ / Arcadians who are in the possession of ‘inside information’ are prohibited to make trading decisions. These modifications are required by the new Market Abuse Regulations, applicable as of July 2016.

Digital enrolment
To make the process of change or discontinuation easier for you, and to ensure that the open period regulation is maintained, you will now be able to change your deductions or discontinue your GSP participation via EquatePlus. Subsequently, Equatex will inform your salary department. You no longer have to fill out the previously used PDF forms to complete this action.

If you decide to join, to change your deductions or to discontinue your participation, this decision is irrevocable and cannot be cancelled or amended for a period of 6 months.

Redesign EquatePlus
On February 8, a redesign of EquatePlus will be launched, which means that EquatePlus will look slightly different when you login after February 8. Soon, you will receive more information on the redesign. We’re already able to announce that it is a lovely and user-friendly design!

If you wish to continue your participation without any changes, you do not have to undertake any action.

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