Winners Imagine 2014
Het winnende idee van Imagine 2014 is “Thermal In Situ Sustainable Bioremediation”, een groen en duurzaam saneringsproces. De winnaar ontving 25.000 euro voor verdere ontwikkeling van het idee. Lees hieronder het volledige bericht in Engels.
The winning idea – submitted by Davinder Randhawa, Cullen Flanders, John LaChance, and Philip Visser – offers a green and sustainable bioremediation solution without using high-energy groundwater pumping systems. We have awarded this winning entry with a prize of 25,000 euro, which will be used to help incubate the idea and bring it to fruition.
Second place in the Imagine finale was for The Captor, by Erica Carvalho, Lucas London and Toru Hasegawa. The Captor looks into collecting latent urban energy and feeding a smart city grid. We awarded this idea with 15,000 euro. Third place, awarded with 10,000 euro, was for The Looper, by Agustina Soler, Mark Palmer, Ian Marcus, Amie Sell, Jeramy Woosung Joon and Daun Jung. The Looper is about repurposing an existing river barge into a greenhouse which collects, uses, filters and returns water to the river in a remediated state – a loop.
The winners received their awards at the AGLF in Chicago.